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mengenai Notepad++ 6.1.5 Terbaru 2012 silahkan Simak Pengertian Di bawah ini.

Syntax Highlighting and Syntax Folding: Supported languages : C, C++, Java, C#, XML, HTML, PHP, Javascript, RC resource file, makefile, ASCII art file extension .nfo , screenshot1, screenshot2), doxygen, ini file, batch file, ASP, VB/VBS source files, SQL, Objective-C, CSS, Pascal, Perl, Python, Lua, TCL, Assembler, Ruby, Lisp, Scheme, Properties, Diff, Smalltalk, Postscript and VHDL.
- User Defined Syntax Highlighting
- Multi-Document Tabs
- Regular Expression Search/Replace supported
- Full Drag N' Drop supported
- Dynamic position of Views
- File Status Auto-detection
- Zoom in and zoom out
- Multi-Language environment supported
- Bookmark
- Brace and Indent guideline Highlighting
- Macro recording and playback

Download Notepad++ 6.1.5 Terbaru 2012 [ Download Here ]
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